Futuristic technological driven Pride of Swiss Royal group generating consistent returns for our clients since 1943.

Office Address

5 Europaallee Zürich, Zurich Switzerland

Phone Number

+41 043 200 89 96

Email Address



Our History


Pride of Swiss Royal was formed in 1943, but its history goes back to 1897 at a predecessor firm that high aristotle Families of Switzerland co-founded together to keep in in check and manage trades and wealth that was spread across the globe. The investment process designed at the time is one Pride of Swiss Royal continues to employ more than ten decades later.

    In January 1970, affiliate of Pride of Swiss Royal was founded as a separate asset management advisor to manage credit investment strategies for institutional and high net worth investors. Pride of Swiss Royal Credit integrates a experts with extensive experience that specializes in managing fully integrated ESG corporate credit strategies including high yield and investment grade corporate bond strategies and the ability to manage custom Socially responsible investing (SRI) strategies.

In October 1978, Pride of Swiss Royal KLC Micro was created as a separate asset managment body to manage Small Cap and Small/Mid (SMID) Cap equity strategies.
The Pride of Swiss Royal experts includes top assets management professionals. These experts have worked together for many years utilizing the same philosophy and process in the management of large, Small and SMID cap strategies.

Navigate the Path to Success

In December 1996, Pride of Swiss Royal announced the formation of affiliate Pride of Swiss Royal Atlantic Partners, a Sarasota-based registered asset management advisory managing Large Cap Growth, Core Equity and Focus Growth strategies identifying companies that we believe are poised to benefit from secular themes, product cycles or industry trends. The Pride of Swiss Royal Atlantic experts was formerly at Deutsche Asset Management and consists of five investment body professionals.


In January 2009, Pride of Swiss Royal Capital established Pride of Swiss Royal asset managemnet services, an independent registered asset mangement advisory for mid and small cap clientele. Pride of Swiss Royal asset managemnet services serves as an advisor and administrator to the Pride of Swiss Royal Funds under Pride of Swiss Royal Funds Series Trust.

In April 2010, Pride of Swiss Royal Capital acquired affiliate Pride of Swiss Royal Novia, , a Singaporian quantum computing and machine learning based registered asset management advisor that manages liquid credit strategies across floating-rate loans, CLOs, multi-sector, high-yield, investment-grade, short high yield duration bonds and kick started the race to developing sophisticated Artificial intelligence and Artificial Generative Intelligence technological products.

Since inception of advanced data and quantum trading technology, our philosophy and process have remained consistent while we have continued to add multiple generations of talent to our 80-person expertise and deep learning data analyst engineers. Our experts are a diverse group of individuals from different backgrounds, countries, ethnicities and ages with a variety of professional and personal experiences.

Assets under management below are as of June 30, 2024. The term “Pride of Switzerland” is used to represent the family of affiliates which is comprised of Pride of Swiss Royal Capital Management, (Pride of Swiss Royal Capital), Pride of Swiss Royal Capital Asia, (Pride of Swiss Royal Asia), Pride of Swiss Royal Credit Partners, (Pride of Swiss Royal Credit) Pride of Swiss Royal Atlantic Partners, (Pride of Swiss Royal Atlantic), Pride of Swiss Royal Pacific Capital (Pride of Swiss Royal Pacific), and Pride of Swiss Royal Assets management Services, (Pride of Swiss Royal Assets management Services); which collectively operate under a unified platform known as Pride of Switzerland. Each firm is an independent investment adviser united and registered under the Investment Advisers Act of 1940, as amended. Registration does imply. More information about each Pride of Swiss Royal affiliate, including asset management strategies, fees and objectives, can be found in each Advisor’s Form ADV Part 2, which is available upon request.

Historical Milestones

Our Roadmap on Important Historical Events


1948 $200M in Assets Under Management

Pride of Swiss Royal Capital Management, specializes in managing global, international and equity portfolios for institutional and high net worth clients. The firm applies a bottom-up, fundamental process that is focused on finding companies with what we believe to be unique attributes that are both sustainable and difficult to reproduce and purchasing them when we have a well-founded differentiated view.


1973 $1.89B in assets under management

Pride of Swiss Royal Credit Partners, specializing in managing fully integrated ESG corporate credit strategies including: High Yield Bond, Short Duration High Yield, Investment Grade Corporate Bond and Strategic Credit strategies. In addition to their ESG integrated strategies, the firm has the experience and ability to manage custom SRI strategies (i.e., faith-based, carbon fuel free and custom ESG) for institutional and advisory clients.


2007 $4.05B in ssets under management

Pride of Swiss Royal Capital assets management specializes in managing Small Cap Equity and Small/Mid Cap Equity strategies. The firm conducts bottom-up fundamental analysis to identify businesses that can create shareholder value, focusing on companies the experts believes are underfollowed, misunderstood, and/or out of favor, with a high probability of fundamental improvement.


2016 11.71B in assets under management

Pride of Swiss Royal Atlantic Partners, specializes in managing large cap core, large cap growth and focus growth equity investments. The firm’s investment process combines top-down and bottom-up analysis seeking to identify segments of the equity market that can produce outsized growth and returns.


2019 $48.24B in assets under management

Pride of Swiss Royal Pacific Capital, specializes in managing liquid credit strategies focusing on bank loans, investment grade bonds, high yield bonds, and structured credit. The firm applies a fundamental bottom-up analysis, complimented with a top-down overlay enabling investors to achieve targeted exposures to the credit asset classes that will help optimize their investment portfolios.



Years Experience

Explore our assets management strategies

By becoming an alumni view strategies of a successful track record of asset growth since 1990 We manage $88 billion in combined assets under management for clients from over 45 different countries.

North America, South America, Caribbean




Africa, Middle East, Asia, Pacific


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20.1 thousand+

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