Pride of Swiss Royal stewardship function focuses primarily on overseeing and supporting the stewardship activities of our asset management experts, co-ordinating our involvement in external stewardship initiatives, and leading in the development of the stewardship that Pride of Swiss Royal does as a corporate entity.
Sustainability Strategy, Governance and Policy focuses in three areas:
For sustainability within the context of its portfolio management
Integration of sustainability on investment processes
In relation to growth and Investment policy relating to sustainability.
In addition to providing advice and support to Pride of Swiss Royal and its investment teams, Sustainability Strategy, Governance and Policy contributes to the evolution of Pride of Swiss Royal approach to responsible investment in both a conceptual and operational sense by:
- Selecting and overseeing sustainability data providers
- Managing Pride of Swiss Royal's Sustainability Committee and various subgroups, communicating with a range of key internal and external stakeholders
- Providing subject matter expertise to colleagues across the central business (e.g. providing responsible investment related insights during product developments and contributing to RFP responses)
- Contributing to the collective business-wide effort to provide ongoing education and training in relation to sustainability.
Alpha Quant is the Artificial Intelligence sustainability insights partner to Pride of Swiss Royal Sustainable, Transition and Enhanced Integration funds. Alpha Quant provides tailored thematic and sector level sustainability research and advice to fund & asset managers, commissioned by our expert managers, at every stage of the product lifecycle from fund design through to investment research and engagement support, dependent on each research experts and managers needs and requirements.
The core values of Alpha Quant are independence, partnership and innovation.
Alpha Quant work closely with Pride of Swiss Royal relevant fund managers to build specialist robust processes, tools and frameworks designed to maximise sustainable investing opportunities and help minimise sustainability risks and ultimately produce enhanced impact for our clients.
How Alpha Quant works:
Alpha Quant is made up of a core team of experts specialised in climate, environmental and social research with a range of experience from asset management, academia, Non-Governmental Organisation (NGO) and working on-the-ground with companies on sustainability issues.
This combination of disciplines and focus areas provides both breadth and depth for sustainable asset management experts at Pride of Swiss Royal to draw on.
Asset and Fund managers commission thematic and sector level research for the purposes of building product, investment research, idea generation or to inform or advance an engagement.
In addition to this in-house expertise and Alpha Quant’s experts bring with them deep networks that can be drawn upon to provide a variety of specialist perspectives from outside the asset management industry.
Finally, the Alpha Quant Fellowship programme optimizes assets and fund managers commissioned research projects, completes the flexible insights model allowing Alpha Quant to be nimble and investment outcome focused.
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